Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why am I here?

So, I've fallen into the trap and decided to start a blog. I have random thoughts that run through my head all day long and I thought to my self "Self, you should write some of these things down." Here I am, doing just that.

In the span of a little over two years, I completed my Master's Degree in Social Work, moved in with my (then) fiance, started my first (real) job, adopted a dog, bought a house, got married, bought another dog, got pregnant and had a child. Whew, are you tired? Because I am. A friend once said, "Bean, you are on the fast track to death." I've never known how to slow down and really smell the roses, so to speak, and I'm trying to do so now. Bubby and I spent so much of our courtship in separate parts of our state, that I couldn't wait to just get on with life. When we were finally in the same place, we didn't really take our sweet time in creating the family and life that we've always strived to have. Here we are, with our home and our child and, of course, our crazy dogs and we're still trying to figure out what we want out of life. Or atleast, I am.

I have faith, in God, in people, in the universe. I believe there is an inherent grace that has been bestowed on me and I'm trying not to take it for granted. It doesn't make sense most of the time but I think things generally work out the way they are supposed to. Tragedy and Sadness can coexist with Renewal and Joy, even when I have a hard time wrapping my brain around it.

I am who I am. I bumble along and babble a lot.

1 comment:

Miss Mustang said...

I felt the same way when I just started blogging recently. It is really like way to put my thoughts into perspective. You are still very young and have a beautiful child; they do grow up fast. I am old enough now to realize how quickly things can change. I wish you and your family many blessings